Phonics and Reading Class (K1 – K3)

Phonics and Reading Class (K1 – K3) 

— 透過有趣故事,以遊戲形式讓孩子開心地學習

  • 讓小孩於6個月內學懂26個單音及CVC 拼讀技巧
  • 讓小孩學會Blending
  • 導師會在上課前評估小朋友的英語能力,並按程度進行分班
  • 教授”Long vowels”, “digraph”, “constant clusters” 及複音,讓孩子閱讀時更有信心 
  • 與時並取,取用最新的國際知名兒童書籍教授。現今直資及國際學校已傾向用故事書取代傳統教科書教學 (Many schools in Hong Kong, like St. Paul Co-ed and La-Salle Primary school are shifting from traditional English textbooks to story books when designing their English Language curriculums. 
  • 課堂中會讓小朋友學習發音(phonics)之餘,同時學生字(vocabulary),透過恆久的練習令小朋友慢慢掌
    握 Native English Speakers 的發音及抑揚方式。 
  • 讓學生能完整讀到一篇文章,閱讀比同齡學生更流利。
  • 大部分的學生從K1開始上課,現在四歲半已能流利讀到Pm BENCHMARK LEVEL 19 「建議年齡為7-8歲的文章。」

2歲至6 歲的孩子正值腦部迅速發育時期,能吸收大量知識,遠超我們的想像!此課程除了教授 Phonics 外,還旨在增加小朋友的「記憶詞彙」(mental lexicon)。課堂中會加入「導讀訓練」(guided reading),當小朋友見過這些生字後(noticing),便會把它們儲存在記憶中(storing)。未來再遇到這 些字時,便可輕鬆從記憶庫中取出來(retrieving)。久而久之,小朋友在「識讀識拼」這些英文詞彙之 餘,亦能「識解」。這套由語言學者及專家提出的”noticing-storing-retrieving”的字詞學習理論正是我 們 BeeSmart 的教學依歸,比坊間只教拼音讀字的教學模式有效得多。 

與坊間只教拼音的教學模式不同,我們也著重教不同的「較技能」(Soft Skills),禮儀、學生即席演講、以完整句子回答問題等……我們以遊戲的方式令學生投入課堂,鼓勵學生不論對錯,也要勇於嘗試回管問題,讓他們有積極的態度,不管在課堂上,面試的時候,還是日常生活都能成為一個自信、獨立的人。

The Child development between Ages 2 to 6 is the “Golden Years of learning.” 

Different from most Phonics classes, we want our children to not only know the Phonics sound, but they can apply it in their conversation. To do that we design our classes based on the methodology “Noticing-storing-retrieving,” the three stages of memory introduced by linguist. 

Noticing and Storing: 

Apart from Phonics, we aim to richen our children’s vocabulary in their “mental lexicon.” Once they notice some familiar words, the vocabulary will be stored in their memories. 

Retrieving: They can apply the words in their sentence. 

Beside from their academic achievement, we stress the importance of Soft skills, like manner, presentation, social skills. To do that we involve many games in our classes, encourage our children to answer question, even when they are not sure of the answer. We hope that our children can be a confident, independent individual not only in classes, interviews, but also in their life.